Friday, April 17, 2015

Home Study Day!

Stephen and I have been preparing for weeks! It went great! And now we have a clean house!! :) 

Once the report is ready, we will be active and can start being presented to birth moms!! Waiting will be hard but I feel now we can breathe!! 😅

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Baby Proofing…

Since our home study is in less than 2 weeks, we have been baby proofing around here!! :) Here are a few of the things we have been working on---

safety items

Are we missing something?

Friday, April 3, 2015

Home Study

...will be April 17th!!

Next weekend we will be traveling to San Antonio for the Empowered to Connect adoption conference. 

Two different friends recommended this to us so we felt led to go. We both had to take off from work and we didn't want to spend money on it but we feel it will be very beneficial. 

Can I just say God is good? Yes He is! We have received several generous donations and we feel so very blessed by them.